حوادث مماثلة في السابق |
La Rédaction le 27 mai 2012 à 1:33
L’explosion de gaz survenue, vendredi en début de soirée, dans une résidence universitaire de Tlemcen a fait 8 morts et 38 blessés dont 4 se trouvant dans un état grave, selon un dernier bilan communiqué, samedi, par la direction locale de la Protection civile.
Six morts sont des étudiants, originaires de wilayas du centre du pays (Bouira, Médéa, Blida et Tizi Ouzou) alors que la septième personne décédée est une femme de 57 ans, employée dans le restaurant universitaire, a précisé la même source.
Les services de la Protection civile ont mobilisé 90 agents et quatre médecins pour secourir les blessés avant de les évacuer au service des urgences du CHU de Tlemcen « Tidjani Damerdji ».
La Directrice du CHU Tlemcen a assuré que tous les moyens humains et matériels ont été mobilisés pour assurer les soins aux blessés, tout en relevant l’élan de solidarité des citoyens qui se sont spontanément présenté à l’hôpital pour faire don de leur sang.
La déflagration s’est produite, au niveau de la résidence universitaire « Bakhti Abdelmadjid » du quartier Imama (Tlemcen), au moment où les étudiants prenaient leur dîner.
Selon le directeur des oeuvres universitaires de la wilaya de Tlemcen, M. Rezgui Abderrahmane, l’explosion serait due à l’accumulation de gaz au sous-sol du restaurant, suite à une fuite.
M. Hachemi Djiar, assurant l’intérim du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique, s’est rendu, dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, sur les lieux du drame.
Translation in English
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حوادث مماثلة في السابق(REST IN PEACE ) |
Explosion of gas Tlemcem: balance is increasing, 8 dead and 38 injured
Writing on May 27, 2012 at 1: 33 the explosion of gas occurred, Friday early evening, in a residence of Tlemcen was 8 dead and 38 injured including 4 located in a serious condition, according to a latest balance release, Saturday, by the local Civil Protection Directorate.
Six deaths are students, from wilayas in the centre of the country (Bouira, Medea, Blida and Tizi Ouzou) while the seventh person who died is a 57 year old woman, employed in the University restaurant, said the same source.
Civil Protection services were mobilized 90 officers and four doctors to rescue the wounded before exhausting the CHU of Tlemcen "Tidjani Damerdji" emergency service.
The Director of CHU Tlemcen assured that all human and material resources have been mobilized to ensure care for the wounded, while noting the spirit of solidarity of citizens which is are spontaneously submitted to the hospital to donate their blood.
The blast occurred, at the level of the University residence "Bakhti Abdelmadjid" of the Imama (Tlemcen) District, at the time where students were taking their lunch.
According to the Director of the academic works of the wilaya of Tlemcen, Mr. Rezgui Abderrahmane, the explosion would be due to accumulation of gas in the basement of the restaurant, after a leak.
Mr. Hachemi Djiar, ensuring the interim of the Ministry of higher education and scientific research, visited, on the night of Friday to Saturday, the scene of the drama.
Writing on May 27, 2012 at 1: 33 the explosion of gas occurred, Friday early evening, in a residence of Tlemcen was 8 dead and 38 injured including 4 located in a serious condition, according to a latest balance release, Saturday, by the local Civil Protection Directorate.
Six deaths are students, from wilayas in the centre of the country (Bouira, Medea, Blida and Tizi Ouzou) while the seventh person who died is a 57 year old woman, employed in the University restaurant, said the same source.
Civil Protection services were mobilized 90 officers and four doctors to rescue the wounded before exhausting the CHU of Tlemcen "Tidjani Damerdji" emergency service.
The Director of CHU Tlemcen assured that all human and material resources have been mobilized to ensure care for the wounded, while noting the spirit of solidarity of citizens which is are spontaneously submitted to the hospital to donate their blood.
The blast occurred, at the level of the University residence "Bakhti Abdelmadjid" of the Imama (Tlemcen) District, at the time where students were taking their lunch.
According to the Director of the academic works of the wilaya of Tlemcen, Mr. Rezgui Abderrahmane, the explosion would be due to accumulation of gas in the basement of the restaurant, after a leak.
Mr. Hachemi Djiar, ensuring the interim of the Ministry of higher education and scientific research, visited, on the night of Friday to Saturday, the scene of the drama.
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